Complicated detail: You can never expect the reason why the officer rejected your application. Without prior experience, you would need to repeat fixing the mistakes and taking the queue over and over again.
Must go through many officers for just one question:Each department has very different job from others. So, officers would ask agents to seek answers from other departments, and the cycle continues.
Sacrificing sleep: Long before the immigration centre opens, many people would have already been waiting there. As I’m from Rawang, I need to wake up at 4am to arrive at 5-6am. It avoids heavy traffic jam (at around 6-8am), long queue, and the lack of car park spaces (it runs out very quickly).
Long queue: Immigration centre is always extremely crowded, and it took me 6 hours of queuing to register for one FWCMS account, which also includes multiple small steps and detail to be careful of. Contact me to know more!
Extreme patience: Rejected by the officer? Lost a file? Didn’t know you need to print the documents? When you are tired, mistakes are expected, especially when you don’t have enough experience. The worst is that you must repeat hours of queuing if something is wrong. The whole FWCMS quota process takes weeks to months, and you really need a lot of patience.
Time is money, if you do everything by yourself, you would have lost millions.
Good news, we can handle all these pains for you. As a reliable foreign worker agency, we provide proper guidance, troubleshooting, and save you lightyears of time.
During our 30 years of industrial experience, we have helped companies & big brands solve countless of headache & hassles in the foreign worker matter. We keep your company documents as top secrets. Bonus, we have obtained the foreign worker agency license C and RM250k of guaranteed deposit from the Ministry of Human Resources, which will insure you against losing anything.